Monday, April 20
The Day of the Moon in the Week/World of Fire, Atziluth. More Pasture, less Bullshit today as the Sun enters Taurus, and our focus shifts from activity for its own sake to an interest in stability and abundance. These vibrations are multiplied by the Moon’s placement, also in Taurus, where it’s exalted and helps prosper the fruits of today’s efforts despite being VOC. Moon enters Gemini at 4:28 pm (7:28 ET), making for a mentally stimulating afternoon and evening. Its ruler, Mercury, in fertile Taurus, squares enthusiastic Jupiter in Leo. This combination can be quite inspired but favors independent creative work or promotion at-a-distance more than direct contact with others, which could become incendiary. We can use the days well from now through April 25, when Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow period.
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